Elegy Of A Soldier's Wife Poem by Felix Emeka George

Elegy Of A Soldier's Wife

My dear friend,
Do you remember August 9?
It's six years today,
since my husband fell!
It was the day the best friend I know ended.
You remember my friend,
A soldier now gone.
With the heart of lion;
He looked stern and authoritative most times.
But you know him,
A meek and jovial soul,
A friend of all

I remember my husband
As I reflect on his promise of coming home
He told me he will
Bring me a medal of glory
This day a story and thereafter history
Awakened fading memories

I refuse to go down the predictable path of sadness and despair,
For that would only gladden the insurgents
Horrendous cowards
Because you went protecting the country.
I know no one can protect me like you
Am glad you die as hero not a horror.

This is he that has
brought me this far,
I mean the I am that I am,
unchangeable changer
The way maker,
The wind beneath my sails
The stride in which my foot fall
The step in my sway,
The extra in my ordinary,
The lifter of my head.
When fathers die,
He becomes the widows assurance of peace.
One being without equal,
Is my source of peace.

I have accepted my fate, solemn in fact
that as he chose the way of death over me,
I am a victor and never a victim
And in my heart I know
That death is once,
And that my little children will adore your medals
Because they shall be greater than our beginning

Today, I remember again,
I sigh when I see your comrades.
You sang victory songs the day you left the barracks.
I never knew yours was of your death
Like other widows whose husbands have fallen
I stand by grace that I can articulate your loss.
Nothing of worth to be quantified and to replaced

Every day I remember him and never miss him
Because God has given me a sign,
I will see him again.
Then I will give him a hug and catch up on all the gist he wants to hear

Were you not my gisting partner?
I know you are alright there
I am assured you are
where we all aspire to be
Be awake, cheerful and continue interceding.
Because, you are still the finest man I have ever seen.
And as I always say my darling,
Rest in peace
The children and I are Pretty fine.
Love you always and always

By: Felix Emeka George
Copyright: 13 March 2017
'All Rights Reserved'

This poem I wrote about a friend of mine, who lost her husband in Damaturu
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