Empty Me Poem by John Ackerman

Empty Me

empty me into the vast sea of tranquilty
far away from society hide from me
a portion of leaves left torn in desolate debris
quaint vision i hide in Jesus the devil must flee
sometimes it hurts this game called life
amidst the turmoil and added strife
basking in the vast expanse a reason to believe

a lone soldier out in the battlefield crying
skulls with crossbones within temples of fire
some have strayed even now from the path
there are questions that leave you second guessing
still i'm searching for a great enough reason for being
rest assured it's in the changing of the seasons

carry me in your arms to a distant place of hope
structures are high white coluns filled with gold
Cashmere sweater with slack pants I will dress
Bury me deep once again my friend to the souurce recieved
Build inside me a reason to be set free
away from all source of negativity toward a reason to believe

at such a time as this one must learn to resist
your fate is sealed with a kiss
nor a mere faint lulabye as time passes by
empty me one last time on my journey
to so much more but then again what?

Empty Me
Friday, December 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: hope,laugh,love
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