Enough Already Poem by Roy Edwards

Enough Already

Enough Already
We met by the side of the M25,
My lady love and me.
We talked of drivers and how they drive,
And then went home for tea.
It may not sound romantic,
But you know how it can be,
We've sailed across the Atlantic,
And now we're sick of the sea.
We've crossed the Atacama
On a bicycle made for two,
But the heat the dust and the drama,
When the desert sandstorms blew!
We've swum beneath the polar ice,
In our Speedos and nothing more,
But a Narwhale's steering was imprecise,
And the arctic hospitals poor.
So on motorways our troth we plighted,
We took a flask of tea.
Sadly, we're both a bit short sighted,
I missed her and she missed me.
Now we wander alone on the M1 hard shoulder,
And search for the exit for Penge,
But our life in the fast lane has made her feel colder,
And now she wants her revenge.
She wants her revenge for the leaky tent,
For the trips that were badly planned,
For the scuba diving in Stoke-on-Trent
And the ski trip to Samarkand.
I told her that I'd reimburse her
For all the dodgy stuff.
If swamp fever returned, I promised to nurse her,
But she says that enough is enough.

Gajanan Mishra 12 April 2013

enough is enough. good poem. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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