Ester Poem by Robert Rorabeck


Rating: 5.0


Monday, February 20,2017
3: 13 PM

The sea besides the castle shook for her
And I drank a lot.
The pilots sang for their mermaids. They took
Their planes diving for her,
And their passengers turned green,
Singing and holding their breath for her-

The sky spumed, the clouds ejaculating as fireworks-
They were showing off for her-
As the last of the titans kidnapped stewardesses from
Airplanes and married them:

I told my children bedtime stories about her,
Just as my father told me stories about the feral boys
Raised by the badgers themselves trained by her:

By the age of twelve, I sold fireworks in Miami for
My father
Who himself was working entirely in servitude for her.
In the mirages of daylight,
Along the franchised strip,
The streets sweated for her, turning into teenagers
Who committed suicides for her-
And I called her up and I hopped on stage for her:

I sold for her- naked
Before the stars and dinosaurs,
Barefooted in the strawberry fields,
She stepped down from the castle:

A muse on a geometric waterfall besides the watermelons
And the centipedes
And the narcoleptic unicorns-

The shaggy man covered in locks of blonde crawled
Out from beneath the courtyard of that old high-school
And danced in courtship of her

I ran away from home and achieved the highest
Scores in the arcades for her:
I ran all night for her,
Past the nocturnal graveyards and the all night drive in
Movie theatres for her-

I smelled her sweat pattered like the homeopathy
Of the coldest holidays, as chameleons shed their
Technicolor skins in the daylights on the popcorn rocks
For her-

And turned into a cenotaph in homage hunting in
The waves for her-

I saw her today. The prettiest thing from Haiti.
34 years old, building a trailer to sell things in underneath
The bridges. She spent $150 dollars on me
And laughed and talked about a thousand false things
Before she went away and I started once again
To mind my own business-

And now that I am done- and it is a holiday: President's
During these hopeless hours theyoung queens of Mexico are being
Sent home to be re united with the graves of their grandmothers-
I can lie down underneath of a highway and pretend it is
A beautiful meadow:

And with my eyes closed, I hear my son say that you are perfect
And I know that he too is talking about her.

Monday, February 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
Robert Rorabeck

Robert Rorabeck

Berrien Springs
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