Evolution In A Nut Shell Poem by Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Evolution In A Nut Shell

Life began with a single cell,
With not a well-defined nucleus. (Monera)
It evolved to have a nucleus,
Some with cell walls and some without. (Protista)
Then came multicellular life,
Branching with cell-wall into fungi
Without chlorophyl and to algae with chlorophyl.
Then evolved two lines of growth
As kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia.
Plants are autotroph and with cell-wall.
Animals are heterotroph without cell-wall.

Plant kingdom evolved from algae (Thallophyte)
To moss (Bryophyte) , and fern (Pteridophyte) .
Then came giant naked seed trees like Pine
And Cycas (Gymnosperm) , to grow further
As flowering plants (Angiosperm) heading
To the primitive dicot (mango and pea)
And to the advanced monocot (coconut and rice)

Animal kingdom evolved
Into invertebrate and vertebrate.
The most primitive of the vertebra
Is sponges (Phylum Porifera) fixed;
Then comes Hydra (Coelenterate) aquatic
And radically symmetrical.
Then tapeworm (Phy. Platyhelminthes)
Bilaterally symmetrical with no body cavity.
Next is nematodes, which are unsegmented,
Then is cockroach (Phy. Arthropod) ,
Segmented, exoskeleton and joined appendage.
Then evolves mussel in shell (Phy. Mollusca)
And star fish (Phy. Echinoderm ale)
Radically symmetrical with vascular system.
Phylum Cordata is vertebrate
That evolved as fish (Pisces) aquatic,
Frog (Amphibia) semi terrestrial
Crocodile (Reptile) , birds (Ave)
And cow, rat and man (Mammals)
With teats and giving birth to child.

Among all these species, man alone has God,
Religion, country, money and ownerships.
Among all these species, man alone has wife,
Rape, theft, right, wrong, soul and rebirth.

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Aravayal, karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, South India
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