Extrapolate Poem by Vision Ghost


Yield a personified gift of inner sight and feeling
That fingers stretched poised to touch something
Of skin located in a curvature of the darkest poison
I wish to drink this pain and build immunities one

And thrust this so deep into that hole that so remains
Tear out the anxieties and remember myself in gains
Remember the strength of my hands and of my heart
As the final piece wings its way to me once in part

So much that in time has bonded flesh to my bones
I may rise to the skies tips and be sat upon thrones
Sight within darkness returns and remaining cloaked
Within the soul burns a fire once extinguished, soaked

Stretch wings to the tower of my being before flight
Over velvet seas and blackened matt hillside’s sight
Doth wonder in an awakening of new ideas forged
In the mind of the recovered and so forever purged

Let this wine cleanse me as I know you’re out there
Breathing my name upon the awaiting of somewhere
To dreaming of your face and body twist in my arms
As I will be fallen to the very embrace of your charms

And feel blood racing from the veins to the fantasy
I know in love as I know in hate I can always see
The better of this world just as long as I can believe
In the chance of loving again in my hearts reprieve

Until night when wings deliver me to the new fire
That I can perceive without fear and loss of desire
A destiny looms tall before me as eyes clear to see
Boundaries breaking as a new seed germinates in me

Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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