Face To Face With A Nameless Dame Poem by John Sensele

Face To Face With A Nameless Dame

Hold your fire
Let your sharp tongue retire
When to the fore sneaks your ire

Increasing carelessness danger
Thinking in your mind you're an indomitable ranger
Although in your own skin you turn into a total stranger

Body somehow cut off from your mind
With a baggage of axes to grind
When moderation and restraint remind you to find

Better avenues conflicts to handle
As your roving hand to a pristine place strays to fondle
In the way you assuage your sorrow bundle

Hoping to progress, succeeding in failure
As your successes grow increasingly fewer
Cos your ire and short fuse couldn't find a cure

To the uncertainty and unpredictability you nurture
In times of stress. To the fore comes a procrastination culture
You extrapolate into your unreachable future

Where no spouse tolerates you
Cos normal life you have no clue
Neither can you fasten happiness with gregarious glue

Much as you dare to dream
You'd crossed over with flying colours a fast moving stream
When in fear of the unknown you did scream

And to your rescue came a dame
Svelte, graceful who declined to you give both her name and game
Fearing your bad reputation would sully her with both blame and shame.

John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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