Faith Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR


One should not be discouraged
when they reach out a hand to someone
and it is pushed away
All you need ask yourself is,
was my gesture honest?
was there a feeling of care behind it?
If we can answer these questions
positively, in our own heart,
we may feel the hurt inside
it may hurt us more than we say
But, we should not be discouraged

People can be cold and unkind
some intentionally so
some not realizing
we must find forgiveness
it is not or privledge to know the reason
no matter how much hurt we feel
we must try to smile
and save our care for those who understand
or appreciate
that care is a gift given
some day care may be returned

There is a passage in the bible
I thought I undersood
but now I do a bit more
it was about seeds
some seeds fall on fertile soil
and some do not
You have only planted seeds of friendship
and you should not be discouraged
because a seed must fall on good soil to grow

So if you have sown seeds in good faith
do not be discouraged if they do not grow
or find a home
Do not lose heart or become unkind: Forgive
In time a single seed may find good soil
and it may flourish and produce beyond your hopes
So do not be discouraged if a seed
planted with kindness and care...yields nothing.

This is just a test of your faith in things
and I promise that some good, though unseen,
will come of your efforts, eventually

© James T. Adair

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