Falling Star Poem by lokendra k.c

Falling Star

After so many years
After many seasons passed
Today, I was watching the moonlight
The night was cold, n the land was blessed by the golden light of the moon
And the twinkling of stars, Oh god- I saw the falling star
I tried to make a wish, but couldn't
But at last, I wished the same wish again
And I smiled, and found there was no any pain, no any sorrow, just a wish
Left in the core of my heart, just a wish
She was not an angel, she was just her
I never compared her with anybody
She was just her, she was my love
She perfumed my life but she was not a flower
She was just her
She was the ordinary girl whom I loved
If life was a flower she was the fragrance of it
We spent so many moments together, so many
Sometimes we fought, sometimes cried, sometimes laughed loudly
Sometimes we strolled in the busy streets of the city,
In the crowds we lost into each other
Sometimes we were together for dawn to dusk
Her eyes were the little world, where used to rest
Where I used to see all delights of life
One day, we were staring at the sky
Then there we saw the line of fire, sparkling
Coming tow ards us
That was the falling star, the messenger of wish
Normally lovers wish to stay forever with each other
But she wished strange,
She wished only to love me like she loved me
Till the last breathe, she didn't wish to stay forever
She had a wish which might be fulfilled, which might be complete
And which was complete
One day she went to the heaven, she went to the stars
She didn't stayed with me but she loved me till
Her breathe spared from her soul
Now sitting on the porch I m thinking about her
Her memories never haunted me
They are n will be always blissful
If the love is true it always let lovers smile
Either it may be the memories or the presence itself , so my friends
Life is the deep ocean,
Drop by dropp it comes to you
Drop by dropp it has to be enjoyed
Just let it flow
In its way,
Just let it flow
In its way

my girl friend died in a accident three years ago, n yesterday night I created this poem.
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