Far From Reality Poem by Buyunde Akura Sylivester

Far From Reality

I think that night just got me,
Miles aways from strength,
And was only gulping for a breath,
Of relief from tire.
I closed my eyes, so did my ears,
I went deep in sleep;
Was actually deep!
Far from reality,
In a dream of quality.
I saw birds of white feathers,
Flying Eastward to better weathers;
The direction that is the sun,
Wafting their cute arms-fan,
Looking for a verdant tree of apple,
In a tranquil sea of fortuned ample.

Here, my innocent conscience spoke to me:
'The second bird was last behind,
But the first in mind;
In line, it was the last,
In speed, was the first'
My innocent conscience spoke again,
This time stabbing my brain:
'The bird behind must be MAN,
The bird on fore must be WOMAN,
'Man's in white suit,
Woman's in white gown that suit'
Wow! A day to remember,
Like twenty fifth of December,
An hour ago they took a vow,
Assuming to anybody, nothing they owe.'

Now I saw them fly, past me,
Man and woman flew past the sea,
That place I couldn't see,
But only take a chance to imagine,
That Bill and Coo along sea margin,
Leaving a silence of heart,
To prove best of its creative art...
And it was like, I overheard,
Or and or may be it was heard,
From semi voice, whispering mind,
A raunchy voice of the kind,
Sandwiched between gaiety,
And slices of romance and humanity.
Whatever I judged was not bogus
Neither it wa' a present from Las Vegas!

The bird man's voice came to me,
He spoke,
What me no joke o' poke:
'Darling, my sole love,
You're all I wanna have,
Not all perfect relationships got in existence,
Some require mind of patience:
One, understanding of scholar,
Two, knowledge like philosopher,
Three, flexibility of an infant,
Four, acceptance like a saint,
Five, subtlety of very wise men,
Six, fortitude like certain,
Seven, thirst of a learner
Eight, creativity like a designer...'

Feminine sweet voice hit me,
She cou'd not wait NINE and TEN,
Her heart mus' hadst been an oven,
Falling deep, deeper and deepest,
In LOVE with words of great taste!
Speaking like queen captain of fairy,
Commanding a plague over ferry:
'But what I feel for you is strong,
Worth living for you for long,
It's profound,
And can never be found,
Upon towers of royalty,
Or under impediments of loyalty...,
(Whisper) You are my thirst,
And allow me win your trust! '

Strongly lustrous, smiling...
You're far away from SAD,
Living to know me, you; are TWO,
In this affair we STIR.
Veins full of real blood than GRAPHIC,
Every minute roaming each AREA.
Seconds shou'd mean blooming CLOSENESS,
Time to time we make love NEW.
Encounter every dream within our ERA.
Reality shou'd zoom close and BIG.
Across every nation, Imma be with YOU.
Kenyan queen, you're all woman I NEED;
Uncomparably CREME DE LA CREME.
Races of every crustal state must salute....
Above reality! Far From Reality!

written this while feeling fresh in a plane of poetry and taking a study on what's love! .. huh! just liked this for real! I thank God of Every Nation. Amile
Cornell Sandifer 29 November 2012

your all over the place your reader cant keep up. its much to long and you want to paint a picture of what your trying to tell the reader

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