Fear Hides Vacent Eyes Poem by Thomas Bates

Fear Hides Vacent Eyes

by Thomasjbates

Fear hides vacant like a ghost.
Fear avoids daylight and cobwebs, always.
When forced into daylight's hum
of afternoon hours,
It elongates, and thus encourages
Frightened shadows along sidewalks
To stretch
Until gaunt, growing emaciated.

And so, adverse forms of sickly trees
Like 35 mm film negatives
Are caught reaching in a Godless extinction -
existent, yes, although
uncomfortable and out of place
(Like my mind today) .

Stars revolve around the earth
While at night,
Inside of safety
That's more like a trap,
Feet fall (hesitant...muffled
trailing along the carpeted
steps of the stairwell.
Macabre victims decend, intent
On following 'masters'' instructions;
basements in dysfunction
beneath southern households -
unspoken orders.

Time freezes after hours -have you heard it?
(Have you sensed the standstill of your own blood?)
Familiar forms twist
w/ the changing temperature. Hear them
take such strange shapes unto themselves
And then impress subtle terror
into a sudden calm!
It was another wind-tempest night...

...when I imagined it for what
It was, With the help of a long and peaceful dream.
In the morning I left the place Id slept
And drew open the shades
of my living room.
I was touched
By something almost magical, but real,
And this was enough
To bring a smile to my face.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
this poem was peaceful to write. It's imagery of a nightmare-ish evening calmed me more than the 'happy' ending; I'm not sure why. I just added the happy ending verse right now and it fits, I guess. There should always be some sort of light at the end of any hardship we face from day to day. Thanks for your time. :)Hope somebody likes it.
Colleen Courtney 14 June 2014

Ah! I love this poem! Besides the fact that it is extremely well written, I love the subject matter! A poem after my own heart! I'm a huge lover of anything creepy, spooky and paranormal. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending though. Although I totally agree with your poet's note of needing some light at the end I bet you could have come up with something really shocking and terrifying to close with! Great imagery created here!

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