First (And Almost Last) Kiss Poem by Kynthia Rosgeal

First (And Almost Last) Kiss

As if I really needed a new definition of clumsy
our faces slowly crawl towards each other
each juking and jiving like ace fighter pilots
in a dogfight for life.

Its supposed to be a first kiss
I waited how many years for this?
It feels like I should wait another ten or so
I'm nervous, I want to puke

Her hair smells so nice
I can smell the Marlboro on her breath
Oh God, can she smell the cigarettes on mine?
I can't breath, my head is pounding, I am going to pass out

Her eyes just closed
was that supposed to be good or bad?
How easy it is for her, she looks like she is asleep
but I can hear her breathing, I need to go to the bathroom.

Our lips actually meet, okay, I can do this
Wait, her lips are moving, she is OPENING HER MOUTH!
Oh my GOD! her mouth is opening
what do I my mouth, got it.

So should I put my tongue in her mouth,
or does she put hers in mine, I don't know.
Her tongue, it is wet, cool
it feels, good, oh gosh it feels good.

She is hugging me, tight
Ordinarily, being grabbed like this
is cause for a wrestling match
Uh, not today.

We break apart, I can breathe
She smiles 'First kiss'?
I answer 'Nahhh, no big deal'
Her face falls, I turn to walk away

And I fall.

It was SO worth it!

William Stoneberger 07 March 2009

liked it. good images. good memories.

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Kynthia Rosgeal

Kynthia Rosgeal

Fairfield, California
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