For Some Poem by Francis Duggan

For Some

For some there's not much of a future though everyone does have a past
And Nature is the only immortal all other things do not seem to last
Yes Nature she lives on forever though her Seasons they come and they go
And her rivers born in the high Country downland to the great ocean flow.

Very old people who retain their faculty of memory do look back the decades of time
To when they were much younger people though fleeting the human life prime
The Seasons they seem to pass quickly and on looking back time seems to fly
And the reaper on all of us is waiting though to avoid him our best we do try.

Nature is the only true immortal all other life forms eventually die
The tiny mouse that lives in the wardrobe to Nature is no less important than I
It too serves some purpose in Nature though many with that would not agree
It's tiny body one day will be lifeless the same thing will happen to me.

For some there's not much of a future since the years have left them old and gray
And the clock on our lives it is ticking and ticking and ticking away
The billionaire must die like the pauper and only Nature lives forever more
We are like the leaves of the flooded river that are borne to the great ocean shore.

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