For The Cause Poem by Thea Pound

For The Cause

Rating: 4.5

There is a reason we draw breath,
Yes, we exist for one true cause;
And though we stain our hands with sin,
Our purpose looks beyond our flaws -
And though no mortal eye shall see,
And honour us with due applause,
The hands of fate reach out to us,
And reach beyond the grasp of laws.

The call may come at break of dawn,
Or in the hours of the night -
Be it the time which lies between,
Ne'er has the torch been raised in spite.
Let us guide through the weary souls,
From frontiers, where none hear their plight:
Lower your arms, you've played your part,
Now we take up the sword and fight.

For the uniform, and for the cause!
No bitterness in our hearts shall dwell,
Fuelled on by such sweet piety,
No chrysalis - No empty shell;
Echoing in soul, in body and mind,
The call, omniscient, never dispels -
It guides us, both in heart and hand;
It is the reason we excel.

Let no thing sway us from this path,
Let no thing claim primacy -
For our cause must stand strong and true,
Let it remain our dynasty.
No man shall stand in ignorance,
But in confidence and privacy;
In screaming silence, we raise the torch,
And save man's heart from Simony.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: loyalty,military service,propaganda,war,dedication
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