Forsaken But Still Loved Poem by Sotirios Skoufis

Forsaken But Still Loved

A love story
In the summer
The weather
Keeps getting warmer

The sun
keeps getting hotter
There's no sea
There's nowhere

you can flee
It started with a walk
Among the green
We used to talk

We were unseen
Among all others
We were between
The trees and athers

We had foreseen
The outcome
It started with a walk or two
It was,

It was so me and you
Birds in the park
Exercising their airplay

you and me
We went on
Day by day

What we did
Is to display
Our thought and feelings

For new meanings
Actually it started with a game
It was your idea
There was nothing I could blame

You wanted me to guess
I wanted
The absolute access
You are

A beautiful actress
I won
The date was mine
We had begun

You said I cheated
Right from the start
I thought we fitted
Our memories

Were taking us apart
Our boundaries
They made us
much more smart

Forsaken but still loved
To be continued....

Friday, April 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: lovesick
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