Friends And Lovers Poem by Samuel Thor

Friends And Lovers

It isn’t going to be easy, nothing worthwhile ever is.
To sacrifice something you want for something you need. Though without pain, there is no pleasure; without sorrow there is no joy. Love is a balance of both—accepting an opposition in all things.
The passionate fire of our love still hasn’t burnt out. It continues to warm my body and my heart; but now it’s accompanied by an unquenchable longing that I struggle to suppress, this powerful fire burns too brightly, its flames licking at the edges of my control
Together we tamed this searing ember and used it again to forge our once broken hearts. Its inescapable heat burnt our hardworking hands—the scars of a past love. And slowly these deep flames smoldered into something unfamiliar, a distant, hazy memory: friendship.
Love bears, believes, hopes, endures all things
We agreed this was for the best, but still my heart longed for something more, longed to hug tighter, to hold you closer, to kiss you…You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, so I can not give you up. I can not let you fade away.
Love never fails
You took my ring, binding us with a solemn promise. Our souls touched and I know that we are choosing the right. We smile; then you lean into me and whisper in my ear, “I love you, too.” A kiss on the cheek. I’m overcome with that feeling, the one that I only feel when I’m with you. This is what I was waiting for. With that kiss you sealed our future and I finally know that I can make it through. Two lovers becoming friends looks like a sad ending, but the outcome was this:
Two full hearts, two radiant smiles
A new beginning…

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Samuel Thor

Samuel Thor

Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
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