Friends In Need Poem by Shybu Khan

Friends In Need

How does it feel when lies surround you?

When someone very close belies you?

There is no greater pain I know,

That hurts so much and yet leaves no mark.

Your mind starts playing pranks and games,

No matter what, could not be tamed.

You look for answers all over,

Start searching for peace where there is none.

Soon your situation turns desperate,

And you start a race with yourself.

It feels like a race that u can't win,

And all explanation resembles a bed of pins.

It is when you loose or find divinity,

And discover or discard spiritual serenity.

You look for the a healing hand,

And look for an oasis when surrounded by mountains of sand.

Every explanation only increases the pain,

All resembles a losing battle that you cannot win.

The pain only increases with time,

Every breathing curses as if were a crime.

You soon wonder if the fault is all yours,

Are you the Satan in a land good and pure.

This is when good friends come to the fore,

Resembling friends straight out of folklore.

It is then I discovered love when all seemed lost,

Now love is my company and happiness is my host! !

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