From A Smirk To A Smile Poem by Denis Martindale

From A Smirk To A Smile

When we first met, I saw her smirk like Emma Watson,
But later on, she smiled like Lynda Carter,
You know, that Wonder Woman, Diana Prince smile.
I still can't figure out what changed her mind about me.
At first, quite distanced from me,
Just short replies to my questions,
Hardly paying attention or sharing a little of herself.
I told her about my life as she listened patiently,
But I didn't tell her any jokes as some guys would.
I didn't even compliment her on her looks.
Sure, she looked cute, but would a smile hurt?
Perhaps she had been hurt by love, so I spoke gently.
Sometimes a soft voice compels a person to draw closer.
Then something happened to me.
I wanted so much to kiss her on the lips.
I resisted it and just carried on the conversation.
Something had to happen to make that kiss possible,
But that wasn't the right time.
Minutes later, I realised she was ready to move on,
Back to her Spring cleaning and gardening once again.
So I accepted that typical farewell, "I must get on! "
And then she smiled cheerfully and walked away.
I smiled at the thought of it,
That she had taken my heart with her,
Until some other time, we would talk again,
Yet even now, I wish that I'd kissed her.
Oh, dear. What a pity. Never mind.

Denis Martindale. May 2021.

From A Smirk To A Smile
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