From The Cradle To Retribution Poem by Bob Gotti

From The Cradle To Retribution

A part of the Middle East today is called the Cradle of Civilization,
And very soon my friend, it will be the focus of every single nation.
This world will be at peace one day by God's will and determination.
Not through men's peace accords but through God's reconciliation.

Many problems in this troubled land are signs that the end is near,
Christ Himself said that wars and rumors of wars we are apt to hear.
Although these wars and trials come, as Christians we're not to fear.
Christ has overcome this world and He told us to be of good cheer.

The sound of wars and rumors looming has filled men with disillusion,
Wars destroy, the world muses peace and safety is the only solution.
Seeking peace apart from Truth the world is led into strong delusion,
Seeking a man as God's substitution will bring on God's retribution.

First Christ will remove The Church to end this present dispensation,
Then that wicked one is revealed, who is the prophesied abomination.
He will destroy many people by leading them to the Great Tribulation.
And all who follow shall receive God's full wrath and condemnation.

But we will not suffer wrath but through Christ we receive salvation.
God's Grace will also save multitudes out of the Great Tribulation.
And these blood washed souls will enter His millennial dispensation,
Today with a bright anticipation you can be sure of your destination.

(Copyright ©03/2004)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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