Frontal Assault Poem by Santosh Bakaya

Frontal Assault

Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

When I am in the kitchen, rustling up a dish
In my brain, they rip, roar, rage, sway and swish.
Sometimes they lie uncannily quiet in ambush
To abruptly tumble forth in an insane whoosh.
Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

With their Fabian tactics, they suddenly attack
When I am furiously searching for spices in the rack.
They force me to rack my brains for the correct spelling
When a frazzled me is concentrating on pea-shelling.
Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

While the cumin seeds merrily crackle in the fire
In the confines of my mind, they writhe in ire.
When I am frantically searching for coriander
With a knowing twinkle towards me they meander.
Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

Like feisty foals, they jump, skip and frolic
When I am looking for that elusive pod of garlic.
When tea is brewing or I am kneading the flour
They flaunt their hues- vile, wicked and bizarre.
Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

When I am rolling out chapattis with dexterity great
Making funny faces, they unfurl, staring at me straight.
Even in masala boxes, they have made their presence felt.
Only the cook in me knows, how with them I have dealt
Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

Using them prodigiously, I have cooked up many a story
Whether the readers like them or not, it's their worry.
Of getting back at them, methinks, this is the only way,
Oops, one grotesque looking word is still darting my way.
So, without wasting a second, I slither down a rabbit hole
on my petite frame, they have already taken a heavy toll.
But remember, even a petite woman can weather any storm
Unfazed she is by a blistering blizzard, or a tornado in any form.

Rhyming words always ready for a frontal assault
I was only looking for plain salt, what is my fault?

Thursday, August 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: humour
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