Fundamentally Flawed Poem by Long Tooth

Fundamentally Flawed

When did conservatives start courting failure,
Buy into idea their logic is truth?
As the world watches they back stab each other
Just above lion devouring its youth!

Hating of others just leads to self-loathing
Excrement passed off as truth, facts du jour
Horrified pundits see platform unravel
Naysayers get what they've ask for, no cure.

Politics sullied, class warfare transcendent,
One percent hoarding the bulk of the wealth,
Doomsday is pretty much all of their chatter,
Brandishing half-truths, the party of stealth.

What is the outcome, does Trump even matter
Die perhaps cast before Trump came around?
Unfit to serve, they're the party that says, 'No'
Not one worth saving, unless they're unbound.

How can they possibly think they're not racist,
Pig appetites rush to block common goals,
Guilt free they plagiarize speech by first lady,
Could it be true they are born without souls?

Paul and Mitch both love to demonize POTUS,
Setting the tone that legitimized Trump,
Party's disaster lies right at their doorstep,
'Christians' who never ask God to be ump!

What can we do to avert Trump fiasco?
Decency pleas seem to fall on deaf ears!
Pray that they're wrong and that God cares what happens,
May heaven's fairness match all their worst fears!

Long Tooth
August 6,2016

Saturday, August 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: political humor
James Mclain 06 August 2016

Mitt Romney, brought fascism out into the open. Nearly half of America are still racists. Only racists bigots and homophobes will out in the open vote for Trump.. iip

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