Gandhigiri, Mahatma Gandhi Ki Jai, Jai, Mahatma Gandhi, Amar Rahe, Amar Rahe Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

Gandhigiri, Mahatma Gandhi Ki Jai, Jai, Mahatma Gandhi, Amar Rahe, Amar Rahe

What is that gives Gandhi
What is that makes Gandhigiri
A resolution and an application?
Gandhi had been Gandhi,
But what is that
Made him famous for?
Certainly it was not his education,
But Gandhigiri.

Gandhi in the vest and loincloth
Or in dhoti and the shawl,
That is chadar,
Proposing not and disposing,
Opposing silently
With the resistance
To oppose at any cost.

Demanding swarajya,
Going through savinay avageya,
Freedom from the British
Through sit-ins,
Peaceful resolutions
And gheraos,
Dandi march, neel vidroha.

Gandhi's Gandhigiri
A strategy,
One with action plan
And routing work,
A nukkad sabha,
A nautanki,
A soliloquy.

Gandhi famous for Gandhigiri,
Satya, that is truth,
Ahimsa, non-violence,
Shantih, peace,
A politician,
A philanthropist,
A good Samaritan.

A veggie,
A peacenik,
Always for peace,
Doing propaganda for,
Pleading for too
And appealing with.

Gandhi's Gandhigiri
His Gandhigiri not,
But pagletgiri,
Gandhi Gandhi not,
A paglet,
Hamlet's brother Paglet,
Gandhi Gandhi,
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Gandhi Gandhi,
Had not been,
Became he for Gandhigiri,
Which was bout pagletgiri,
As we know it
Without being a paglet
One cannot be honest.

Resisting human greed and lust,
Hunger and the stomach,
But Gandhi did it,
As for ideal's sake
Or for principle of life,
Be it for his Gandhigiri
Or honesty or pagletgiri,
But did he.

For to be Gandhi
And Gandhigiri took he a massive plan,
Abandoned he his pants and shirt
Which he used in becoming an Englishman,
Trying to emulate them,
Exactly in the attire and style
Of an Englishman,
Wore he dhoti and shawl.

In the vest and loincloth,
That is dhoti and shawl
And a lathi
And with the typical
Oldish and odd round specs
Gandhi started wheeling the handloom
As for the kahdi yarn,
But could he make the Indians wear with his production?

But it was a must for Khadi gramodyogas,
The stint,
The photo with the handloom wheel
And the khadi yarn balls,
Gandhi at the wheels,
Gandhi awaking early
Doing pranayams,
Gandhi walking, at prayer.

Adjusting the specs Gandhi smiling,
Smiling innocently,
Just like a child
Gandhi Gandhi,
Famous for Gandhigiri,
His advertisement and stunt,
Rare pictures.

Gandhi, if to enact the drama of Gandhi,
We shall need to connect with,
Going back to old photos of his,
Gandhi dressing up,
Gandhi on the currency notes,
Gandhi, Gandhi the Father of the Nation.

The tailors, costume directors contacted,
Architects and sculptors
As for his busts and torsos.
Gandhi's olden tin boxes searched
At his ashrama
Just for to recreate
The scenes and sights,
Dancing before the eyes.

The last not the least,
Gandhi in the vest and the loincloth,
Dhoti and shawl,
Wore, wore he,
That of his nor of that mine,
It was the business of Gandhi,
Not of me.

And if want you to be a Gandhi,
Take you the resolutions
For to be truthful,
Dry honest,
So simple
And innocent,
Turning yourself guileless and confessing.

Eat less, talk less,
Read and write you,
Meditate and contemplate you
In your hut,
Season the body,
Let it be burning and purging out
With plain living, high thinking.

Speak the truth,
Never tell a lie,
Believe in non-violence,
Hurt you not anybody,
Break you not anybody's heart,
Try to stitch the broken hearts,
Bandage them.

Believe in non-violence,
No bloodshed,
No thinking of wars,
Pray for shantih,
Shanti of the self
And the world,
Let peace be
In the world, all around.

Help you and help others too,
Those who come seeking
And those who are need of,
Help you,
Help them
As far as possible,
Btu do,
Do you something for them.

Be a light,
Light unto you,
Light you, make others lit,
Feel the light,
Light their homes
Dispelling darkness
As darkness is ignorance
As light is knowledge,
So light you.

Try to be simple,
Simple and bearing,
Good and noble,
Confessing you
What you did,
What you do
With God overhead,
You a God-fearing fellow.

Be a good soul,
A good heart,
A noble man unto yourself,
To others,
Purging the heart out of evils
If any,
Free from human anger, lust and greed,
Enmity, hatred, malice and vengeance.

Praying, walking, reading and writing
With meditations and contemplations,
Healthy eating and healthy living
And thinking,
Doing of work
As for motor activity,
Will automatically invigorate

Why had he been so austere in asceticism,
So resolute and firm
In oath-taking,
Truthful and honest,
Good and noble,
Pure and undefiled,
Prayerful and divine,
God-fearing And confessional?

The secrets of Gandhigiri,
What to tell you,
That the scions will
All about the icon, the Iconic Father of the Nation,
Gandhi on the currency notes,
Gandhi for Gandhigiri,
What to ascribe, attribute to,
The secrets of his success?

As some say it, the secrets of his success
As a man of resolution
And its execution
But goat milk,
Gandhiji, Gandhiji kept it,
Milked them and drank too
Goat milk, the goat milk.

I know it,
I know
Neither will you take
Nor will you get at Gandhigiri
If have to be, have to be, take you
Goat milk
For to attain it Gandhigiri?

Some jokers just for the comic sake
In order to recreate it
The idea of goat milk
Peeped into his ashrama
And saw the goats
Lying pegged
And ruminating,
The key to Gandhi's success mantra,

But frightened to be caught,
Fran away
After seeing the freedom fighters,
Robust, hurly-burly
And stout
Coming with the lathis
Like the showmen in whites
White khadi kurta, dhoti, towel and topi,
Voicing, Gandhiji, amar rahe, amar rahe!

Bapuji ke teen Bandar,
Bura mat dekho, bura matkaho, bura mat suno,
I with the replica going home,
Used to see it in my childhood
With so much love and affection,
As a small child whispering the words
To myself and going,
Bapuji ke teen Bandar,
Bura mat dekho, bura matkaho, bura mat suno.

Mahatama Gandhi ki jai,
Mahatma Gandhi ki jai,
The tri-colour is hoisted
And the national anthem sung,
Jana gana mana…
With a salute to it and the motherland,
Bharat mata ki jai, jai,
Jai Hind,
Play the band,
Thank you, thank you,
Ladies and gentlemen for having been here,
Giving your valuable time.

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