Gate Of Hell, Canto 3 Poem by Amera Andersen

Gate Of Hell, Canto 3

Rating: 5.0

'Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate' (3.9)
Leave behind all hope, you who enter

Gate of Hell, canto 3

Before the river Acheron I wait *1
And stand within the threshold of my hell,
For I have stepped within the evil gate,

To where one bids mortality farewell.
I’m greeted by the lost angelic four *2
And told I must decide where I should dwell.

‘Twas providence that lead me through this door,
For I was neither warm nor was I cold. *3
The scriptures I had chosen to ignore

And now I’m watching prophesy unfold.
As Charon grins approaching in his boat, *4
I feel the darkness closing in so cold,

An ambiance of fear that is remote.
I watch him anchor terror with his rope.
Revulsion swelling deep within my throat,

I doubt my living soul will ever cope
And wonder if redemption is too late.
I’m now resigned to torment without hope...

Author notes

Like Dante’s epic, this poem is penned in a Terza Rima in English instead of Italian. A mathematical consequence of this pattern is that the number of lines in any given canto is always a multiple of three with one left over to start the next. I solved the conclusion by making it a stand alone sentence.

*1: a marginal place-inside the gate of hell but before the river Acheron-for souls neither good enough for heaven nor evil enough for hell proper is a product of Dante's imagination, pure and simple.

*2: Included among these cowardly souls-also known as fence-sitters, wafflers, opportunists, and neutrals-are the angels who refused to choose between God and Lucifer.

*3: (Revelation) 3: 16: 'But because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.'

*4: Charon is the pilot of a boat that transports shades of the dead-newly arrived from the world above-across the waters into the lower world.

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