Glorify Greatness, Satirize Smallness Poem by John Sensele

Glorify Greatness, Satirize Smallness

Quake in the shoes
Worn to conceal smallness
So miniscule they feel blues
As they hate the greatness

Flying and plying its trade
Among the insecure
Who bully and raid
Any remedies meant to cure

Voices too faint
To discomfort the strong
Fed up with the saint
Who never goes wrong

Despite his litanies of foibles
Grappling with the status
They reinvent squabbles
Fed on so much hiatus

They dwarf Pantagruel
Whose exploits pale into insignificance
When Gulliver's duel
Dodges a lance on balance

Intending to preach to the converted
Values and virtues
So controverted
They pick no clues

From the small voice
Inside the conscience
Whose choice
To question omniscience

Falls flat on the mat
That simulates the trampoline
Where the greatness cat
Jumps on a tightrope so mean

Smallness quivers
Shakes in its boots
Crosses regret rivers
Blows horn hoots

Shrinks in its wrinkles
Contorting its disfigured face
Shouts in horror when greatness sprinkles
Aura and honour below the incongruity surface

Where greatness grows and grows
In size and status as it reaches out for the prize
The truth doesn'tthrow into rows
Where sooth sayers express no surprise at the greatness rise.

Monday, April 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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