Go Tell Them Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Go Tell Them

Sin abounds the world is slumming
Carousing for all she’s worth
Beware, beware The Fire’s coming
Scorching the tortured earth

What are you doing with your life?
With soul and spirit vexed
Milling abroad with hearts of strife
Failing to love your next

Is God so blind He cannot see?
So deaf He fails to hear?
Is God so lame he cannot free?
His children bound in fear

Your neighbours left and to your right
Before and those behind
Have you yet thought to bring them sight?
Or can’t you see they’re blind?

They’re plagued to death through Satan’s spawn
They’ve lost the sense to pray
Have you not seen Salvation’s Dawn?
To shine and show The Way

Do you not know I love them too?
Can you not see their need?
Go forth with what I’ve given you
Go sow my Living Seed

Go feed them though the word I give
Give sup with love and care
Reveal to them The Way to live
Through all you’ve had to share

Share your silver and share your gold
Before my children die
Guide them safely to the fold
To live with me on high

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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