“god Did It” Poem by Reginald Walker

“god Did It”

Rating: 2.7

Who made the vast universe and the small planet on which we live?
Who ordered time and space so everything would not suddenly hit?
Who added the contrast of colors and the fluffy clouds to the fabric of the sky?
Regardless, of how you say it, the only correct answer is 'GOD DID IT'.

When upon our beds the life-giving rays shines upon our sleeping face.
As the sun rise, everyday, like clock work in the sky, “GOD DID IT! ”
From the moment our conscience and strength return to our sleeping frame.
As we open our eyes to the dawning of another day, “GOD DID IT! ”

“GOD DID IT” from the time the first star was formed in the boundaries of space.
When GOD spoke the powerful words, “LET IT BE.”, it instantly became so.
“GOD DID IT” when he shaped man and bestowed upon him the gift of His grace.
In spite of the things we try our best to imagine even nature sings, “GOD DID IT.”

As the birds fly miraculously through the sky, nature declares the truth of it all,
The truth can not be denied, no matter how intelligently our imagination try to deny it.
No matter where you look on earth or search in the vast reaches of outer space.
The only answer that will ever be found is simply, “GOD DID IT.”

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