Gone Are The Flowery Days! Poem by Vadakkumpurath Ramesan

Gone Are The Flowery Days!

In a nostalgic mood
She went upto the fieds
That once lay green carpets
That fed the caterpillars
The folk of fishes
The frogs, the water-reptiles.
Once, she toiled from dawn
To the dusk and sang
Songs with the nature
As the sun with his beaming
Smiles, lauded her music
And the melody in unison
And the nature that wore
Always the flowery attire.
Her hutment was at the lap
Of a mountains that milk
Her fields day and night
That gave her the yield
That filled her granary
That brought the wealth
The plenty bin filled with joy.
She fed her guests
With her reserves in the bin
And elated herself
To an ecstatic level
As she hear the foot steps
Of guests on the field ridges
And she became sad
As the dusk down
When the guests bid adieu
After a day's color at gaiety
After a day's din of children
With men and women.
She wore a blunt look
As the caravan of guests move
Over the ridges of the fields
With no promise of return.
As she turned frail
Her skin dried with lines
Her fields did dried
And the nature lost
The mellifluous song
They both sang decades together!

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