Good And Evil Poem by Anna Hirschler

Good And Evil

Everyone says you can either be good or evil.
Me im both I cant choose.
There is a sweet good girl side of me.
Then there is the side no one knows.
I am screaming on the inside.
But I show a sweet smile on the outside.
The real me wants to come out and be known.
But I hide her and make sure she never dose.
If the real me comes out a lot more people would hate me
I cant help it that I have these two or more personalities.
I keep them hidden very well.
The are there for me when no one else is.
And they help me with the pain I go through.
People come and go but my personalities stay with me.
I will always have these personalities to help me through my pain.
They come when im sad or when im in pain.
They comfort me and keep me safe.
And they make sure that I never hurt myself.
I am suicidal and no one knows.
My mom says im just depressed but that isn’t true.
I have been suicidal for many years and she never knew it.
You say that im sweet and innocent.
But I am far from that.
There is a side you will never know.
And that is the side of evil I have.

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Anna Hirschler

Anna Hirschler

Logansport Indiana
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