gotta go to work
work work work wok work work work work work work work
gotta go to work
work work work work work work work work work work work
work work work work work
gotta go to work
work work work work wok work
gotta go to work
repeatedly, until u want to stop
By: Ashley jones
I like this poem, how bold and brave. I like the use of the wok to sound like work, a noun the wok and the verb, work. Some people (Poltergeist) see below, think they are so cool but...if you have nothing positive to say, say nothing. Constructive criticism is one thing silly mean stuff is just silly. Write more, just write.
This is sooooo bad! You spelled work wrong, and the poem had no structure at all. It was just incredibly stupid. You dont put your name at the end of the poem either, its signed automatically. Dummy.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I like your poem, work work