Happy New Year,2017 Poem by Dr John Celes

Happy New Year,2017

The Old Year had its hopes, dreams and set-backs;
The year rolled off somehow and was both good and bad;
Some were quite lucky and others ‘not so';
But that's how any year will pass off.

But, let's thank the Lord for an Old Year that was predominantly great;
Good things happened and could have been better;
Some things are yet to find a solution still;
Hope the New Year will solve the elusive problems!

The world is poised for war against corruption;
The world wants to curb terrorism of every kind;
The world is readying for another major arms race;
Yet, prayers alone can reign in world peace that lasts long.

The love of life and neighbor must be prime;
The love of lucre must be less and for God, more;
The will to do charity and God's Will must be main goals;
Security of life and property must regain its tempo.

Should not children see a better world?
Should not women feel more secure and safe?
Should not the starved and hungry get more food?
The ‘haves' must share their excess with the ‘have-nots'!

The New Year comes with new hope, hype and dreams;
But dreams can be realized by sheer hard work;
Man must spend bigger sums to improve health and living on earth;
Space and weapons are not more important than human life.

May the New Year bring an era of peace and happiness to all!
May our daunting problems find their lasting solutions;
May all homes and nations live in peace and lives be safer;
May God shower His mercy and grace upon the human race!
Written by Prof.Dr.A.Celestine Raj Manohar MD Ex-Dean &Prof. of Medicine, IRT PMC &H, PDI

Copyright by Dr John Celes 26-12-2016

Happy New Year,2017
Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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