Happy World Poem by Pranshu Phuloriya

Happy World

Rating: 5.0

There once was a place that was home to a tribe
No one knew them yet people would describe
Them as good people but few would know,
They fought demons some while ago

One of them was called as love,
Everyone thought he was beloved
But his demon was known as hate
He beat him and kicked him out of the gate

Other one was called as kindness
It fought a hard battle to remind us,
That cruel are the people who would say
Something else to the god and then betray

Then there was hope who was fighting with dark,
He fought hard but was left with a mark
That mark is all, what we see
When we are down and just want to flee

Joy, Gratitude and pride also fought
With their demons and they bought
A happy world for the people to live
They have little to take and much to give.


In life we have love, hope, pride, joy etc…. that make our life worth living. But we face demons every step, that try to pull us back. It is the strength of our will, that will see us through. "Uddharet Aatman Aatmanam…" says Shrimad Bhagawat Gita

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Beautifully written

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Chinedu Dike 03 April 2022

A thought-provoking piece of poetry written with conviction..

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shivam 18 March 2022

beautifully written

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danny 18 March 2022

one of the best rhymes I have read

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