Hares Poem by Francis Duggan


The hare she has her babies in the high grass and each in a different spot she hides away
Perhaps a better chance of some of them of growing to adults though dog or fox or cat on one might prey
This could be the reason she don't keep all in the one nest an anti predator device by Nature for the hare
But then for that there may be other reasons since her secrets with us Nature never share

Speed is the hare's main anti predator weapon for to stay alive they have to dodge and run
But hares have always been such easy targets for the hunter with the deadly high powered gun
I've heard it said that flesh of cooked hare is tasty though very different to cooked rabbit meat
And though I am one of those who has eaten rabbit the flesh of hare I never yet did eat.

In Countries in the Northern Hemisphere men still use hares for coursing for to live the hare two greyhounds must outrun
Hare coursing is of course one of the blood sports some people have strange ways of having fun,
I have seen dogs kill hares at Coursing Meetings and the memory of such with me still remain
They shrieked aloud as the dogs tore and dragged them and in their dying cries one could sense their pain.

The female hare she gives birth in the Springtime and she hides her babies where the grass is high
And them you never see they are well hidden though close to them you even may walk by
To run quite fast their sole means of survival and they must out run those who on them will prey
And since they do not have a burrow for to hide in they must run for survival every day.

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