Have You Ever Been So Single? Poem by Lavigne Kin

Have You Ever Been So Single?

I always thought that I was independent. I
never needed any kind of emotional or
moral support. I had my friends and
family. There was no need for 'The One'. I
was contended by the way my life was
going. I always believed I would be able to
manage without a relationship. I didn't
want to get into the complications of one.
I gravely doubted if my parents would ever
approve of me being in a relationship. So,
staying single was the best option I had. I
decided to stick to the Just Friends tag and
not go any further. It was all going
But eventually, all my friends entered into
relationships. Their experiences made me
feel out of place. The support, care,
affection and Love which their respective
relationships offered them made me long
for one too. Soon, I could feel my inner
resolve shaking. I wanted a relationship.
Today, as I look back, It amazes me how
much my attitude towards relationships
has changed. Being Single is no longer
something that I can do. I need to fill this
empty space in my life, the sooner the
'There's got to be a 'meant to be' for me
out there somewhere, someday I'm gonna
find someone somehow, someway.'
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Being Single isn't an easy task in today's
world. Peer Pressure being the main
culprit. Your friends may not force you into
a relationship, but unknowingly, they make
you crave for one. When you see the
people around you talking about their
relationships, the ups and downs involved,
those sweet little arguments, those gifts
and all the other stuff, you want to be a
part of them too.
But then that does not mean that you rush
into a relationship, without considering the
consequences. When it has to happen, it
will happen. No matter what, you should
never give in to your weakness and
compromise with your self-respect. What is
the point of entering into a relationship
only to regret it later? Why not wait a little
more? Maybe what you get is even better,
or The Best.
On the other side, being Single isn't that
bad as well. You may feel out of place at
times, but otherwise you are better off
then your counterparts. While they are
busy going through the emotional roller
coaster of breakups and patchups, you sit
back and enjoy being yourself. So, don't
force love to happen, don't try to Make it
happen, it never will. Just wait for the
Perfect Moment, the Perfect Person, and
the Perfect Love that will lead you to a
Perfect Life.
'I wanna fall in love. I wanna feel that
rush. Running into my heart shaking up my
soul, feeling like I've never felt before.'

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