He Died Long Ago..Though He Never Revealed.. Poem by Shagun Khera

He Died Long Ago..Though He Never Revealed..

The glass shattered and he heard that sound…..

He sensed that gulp, he felt it getting drowned..

A strip of water slashed through the wet rounds

And the pair of knees fell on the ground..

he heard her say, she doesn’t love him anymore

he heard her say, things will not be the same as before..

The world came crashing right before his eyes

he saw it…yes he saw it…he was a witness to his own demise..

Bitter truth..stomped through the fake bloom of momentary smiles..

As the body brimming with love….began to defile

The grief of the gone.. and the denial of the acceptance

A memory incised with slurs of the intense..

Failure to wash away..failure to forget..

Failure to realize..failure to pretend..

The wicked spell of the morbid hypnotized the present

Slain as a slave of a pre defeated war..

Jinxed as a curse blessed with abhor

Perched on the precarious balance of reality

Wished for love…left with brutality

Nothingness embraced the shallowness inside..

Misery solaced the long deprived..

As the daylight commits suicide at the sight of the night

His thoughts in his soul..no longer confide..

the whips of agony become his prayers

as the solitude becomes his bride..

the darkness of the black, the revision of the undying..

the sorrow for the day.. and wails for the night

blood for the sight of color.

bleeding to know he is alive

rejection for life…

satisfied to know he’s dying..

surrender to the predicament

lust for lament

smirks at the very thought of recovery

obeying to the calls of the banshee..

refusal to stand up again..

adamant to rest in the grave….

They say….he could not return from his loss..

They say…he insisted on being an exhaust

They say….he cud never forget her….

They say…he waited till he cud no longer..

They say..the broken within him cud not heal
They say….he died…..long ago…..though he never revealed..

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