Heart In Midst Of The Cyclone Poem by Jasbir Singh

Heart In Midst Of The Cyclone

We were filled with joy as we talked our heart out,
on a full moon lit night in her abode,
I was gazing here and there in pursuit to notice something new,
I could find nothing else so subtle like her lovely smile.

Joy no longer remained with us anymore,
as it has to leave soon and took along her lovely smile
the alarm which we were ever frightened,
never realised will occupy our peaceful abode.

We all were disheartened by this alarm,
as we knew not how to even react,
it placed our hearts in midst of the cyclone
now I know not when I will again see her with her lovely smile.

Yes I know how difficult it is for you to live in winter,
O precious sister, you are alone not in this battle of tears,
It is tough to fight alone so let the Lord do it for you as He's strong,
Spring is very near so dear I want you to again smile.

Learn not to clench mortal things in hand so close,
in the end they disappoint us so loosely hold them,
if you want your hand to hold something forever and yes forever!
Then I will only tell you to hold promises of eternal God

Don't always keep your tears inside to pretend you're strong,
when that time ever reminds you then hesitate not to mourn,
dwell more time with your creator until you breathe no more,
heaven is waiting for people like you who never lets your will like Christ to be done.

Monday, October 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: courage,death,motivation
It was Friday evening. I retired from my university chores and went to my friends house to refresh myself. We were talking and laughing to silly jokes. I came back home to sleep. Next day I was busy studying for test. In the evening I call up one of my friend to whom I haven't contacted for months and it was such a joy to hear from her. However, soon I hung up the call and I received a call from my room mate that one of our classmate father is now no more. I didn't know how to react to this news. This was same class with whom I was talking and laughing on Friday evening and today it left both of us in tears. I wrote this poem to support her and encourage her to live for God forever because I know that God is always good and faithful.
Jasbir Singh

Jasbir Singh

Chadhiar, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
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