Hell Raiser Poem by Poison 9901

Hell Raiser

Rating: 4.5

Bound in darkness, locked away forever
Allowed to walk this earth again, everyone thought never.
Blessed by angels you fell from grace,
Now sentenced to eternity, in this cold dark space.

Eyes so empty that glow an eerie red,
The soul that once was good, now cold and dead.
Hands that use to posse a kinder gentler touch,
Now drawn and crippled, only able to clutch.

A smile that use to be warm, that welcomed every stranger.
Now posses sharp and jagged teeth, and only speaks in anger.
Boney growths now extend from your head.
Your rancid smell only tells me you’re dead.

Released from your bindings, set free from exile,
The path of destruction left behind, so grim and vile.
Walking alone, you roam the shadows in the dark,
Searching for a victim, alone, a easy mark.

Slipping thru the shadows, like a thief in the night.
Spreading your wings, as you hastily take flight
No longer a member of public respect, but merely a pawn,
Fleeing to the shadows, evading the on coming dawn.

Returning to the depths that held you so well,
Smelling of brimstone, you call it home, we call it hell.

RyuOh Kenshin 16 August 2007

very strong, well written, and nice use of words. Nice poem

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