Her Sheer Presence Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Her Sheer Presence

She’s one in trillions in this huge world,
Among those born from yore to this date,
And one in the crowd of the female world -
To the entire world that knows her not;
But, she’s trillion worlds, female essence
In its sheer glow of celestial brilliance,
Descended on Earth, to my honest self.

I see the bests blended in her form,
Not a single flaw ever dulls her frame;
She’s perfect rhyme in rhythmic flow,
Be it in carriage, mind or shining soul;
Enthralling music, harmonic melody,
She’s fluid flow of entrancing dance –
Whatever she does mirrors her soul.

Beauty enwraps her outward world,
And beauty fills her inward world,
And builds bridges ‘tween those worlds;
Beauty in her is transcendental truth,
That finds in her its natural geste;
She’s beauty’s beauty, beauty, her nature,
Beauty finds itself in her deeper self.

She calms my mind, brings me rare peace,
An elation of rare joy enwraps my soul,
When I find myself in her sweet presence;
She blossoms my soul, lights inner core
By her smiling eyes locking to my soul;
I find her as an ocean of pure innocence,
I yearn to drown myself and forget all else.

I feel fragrant halo of glowing white light
Surrounding her world - simple and honest;
No strain of complexes or breached mosaic –
She’s tall, single whole, selfless pure soul,
Descended on Earth among wrong crowds
To balance nature’s faults by sheer presence,
And hold live hopes of creation’s resurgence.

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