Truth And Reality Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Truth And Reality

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Reality is truth; truth, reality,
This is how the world is made;
Truth is cause; reality, becoming,
This is how the world operates.

Nothing is unjust; nothing, sudden
On the rails of the nature's course;
All is fruit of the truth's churnings,
Some, visible, or invisible to eyes.

Reality is trunk; truth, its deep roots,
Those suck sustenance out of time;
Reality is truth, truth's flowerings,
Trust realities and find peace inside.

No injustice anywhere in this world
When reality and truth, seen together;
Like plant that cut out from its roots,
Reality is warped without truth's depth.

Meeting is reality; and love, its truth,
Separation, reality; imperfection, truth;
Sufferings, in-between, purifying process
That brings the love to abiding bond.

Once they meet, fall deeply in love,
World around raise tall wall for them;
Both crash heads on demoniac wall,
Truth is, both immature in their love.

Phoenix-like they rise again from ash
And yearn to find in each other's arms
While natural pulls pluck to far poles;
Truth is, balance, yet distant for them.

Truth sculpts within to elegant shape
To sprout the reality of exquisite love;
Wrecked love, by itself is the truth,
Immaturity manifests as wretchedness.

Truth never faults, reality builds on it,
Reality stands erect on truth's pedestal;
Truth is true soul; reality, physical form,
Reality is truth; truth is that and more.

Truth is true; reality, its shadow,
Truth is light; realities, spectrum;
Truth is truth; reality, reflection
That brings to truth reality's shape.

No accidents anywhere in the world,
All is manifestation of truth inside;
Nothing, wrong; nothing, out of time,
All rises in truth's precise calculation.

Key is truth to the reality's treasures,
Nothing, out of place in the treasure;
No heartburns or frustrations there fit
While truth constructs reality's edifice.

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