Here Comes The Summer - Break Finally! Poem by Jacson Gelato

Here Comes The Summer - Break Finally!

The streets are empty
everyone has gone except the cabbies,
they are still there waiting, just as before;
it is all over for now, as all are gone home
the corridors and classrooms are empty
the students have left for their vacations.

The memories keep oscillating...
young boys and girls walking enthusiastically
from university to their apartments
rushing back and forth everyday;
somewerealways seen sitting and waiting
in the campus or in the canteen drinking coffee.

Everyone of them had friends
except a few who were quiet and serious;
as days merged into months, exams rolled in
as seasons kept changing, many felt homesick
but when the academic year ended, they felt a relief,
they felt they had achieved success.

As summer vacations showed up
they traveled home, some came back
some went to other countries
to continue their studies
and as youth passed away they matured
and walked into new responsibilities, into new goals.

Finally came the re-opening of new academic year,
many returned with their trolley bags
all too happy to either be back or join
as new students, as new aspirants;
they knew university is what makes educated people
to choose their fields of profession and confidence.

And though the Professors were the same
the classrooms were the same,
though the knowledge that was shared
and imparted was also the same,
it was only on the student who could make a difference
as what he or she learns was for his or her own benefit.

How and where a student uses
his or her qualifications makes them
winners, achievers, Mayors or Presidents
or sometimes they live just as another person
who has done his duty of educating himself or herself
and acquiring a poise of refinement.

Here Comes The Summer - Break Finally!
Monday, July 8, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: education
Error Success