Hinders Poem by Shiloh Thompson


I know how a canary feels, To be trapped in a gilded cage, Free to sing, but not to leave, Trapped in body and in spirit.
My exterior is sunny and bright, But my heart yearns for more, My only comfort is to listen to those who sing and are free, So I can fly with them in my dreams.
I know how a puppet feels, To be manipulated by others desires, Putting on a show to please the crowds, A false smile adorning my wooden face.
When I asked to have my strings cut, To be released from my merciless puppeteers, They looked down on me and laughed, Then pulled my strings ever harder.
I know how a wild horse feels, Fenced in by the well-wishers, Who by separating me from my brothers and sisters at heart, Slowly break me to the harsh reality of life.
I pace my fence in vain, Trying to run away, to break free, But my well-wishers tell me I'm happy here, Brainwashing me with their lies.
I long for freedom, But my Fate is to be a trapped bird, A puppet on a string, A wild horse fenced in.
Never will I feel the undying wind, Never will I move on my own accord, Never will I run wild and free, Never will I break my bonds.
Those who try to help, only hinder, But those who try to hinder, only help, Those who are trying to break away understand, But those who are not bold enough will not, until they begin to break their bonds as well.

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