His Compassion Poem by Gary James Smith

His Compassion

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His Compassion

His compassion is our new passion
By transference of the Spirit
When we were saved by believing on Christ
We were really blessed to hear it
The Word of God..our seed of faith
Was planted on fertile soil
And took effect...praise God for that!
And is the means by which we toil

But praise God it is a labor of love
Because of His love for me
And I love telling the story of
Of the Christ of Calvary
Who came to seek and to save the lost
He made it His dedication
For He was Himself was the, the Author of
My so great Salvation

What a heart that Jesus had
A heart that was full of compassion
And He tried to instill it in His followers
To live with a like minded passion
And lo and behold that truth took hold
On the observance of His Resurrection
And life again was never the same
Now Heaven... their point of direction!

O to be touched by a heart of love
And administered too by His grace
Then mercy drops begin to fall
As the realization begins to take place
That I a sinner... am loved by God
He has given me recognition
That if I turn to Him and repent of my sin
I'll enjoy His so great Salvation!

Now I live with the glad expectation of
That Lord Jesus is coming again
And amhappily telling that gospel message
Ye must be born again!
He is our Energizer...our Go to if you please
Call upon His blessed name
And fall upon your knees

You'll receive the passion
To tell another of that Lord
And propagate the gospel
It is God's living Word
What a Saviour to follow
For He will lead us Home
With His great arms of compassion around us
Praise God for what He's done! ! !
With His great arms of compassion around us
Praise God for what He's done! ! !

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright December 420205: 33 AM

Gary James Smith

Friday, December 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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