History Has No Side Poem by David Welch

History Has No Side

You claim that you're the future
and all should clear the way,
you say that older ideas now
can no longer have a place.
You think you've found a new path,
that you're rising like the tide,
too blind to see from events past
that history has no side.

Islam once believed that it
had a path cleared by God.
It swept across North Africa,
conquering all that it saw.
But when it reached fertile France,
Charles Martel had a surprise,
at Tours he made it very clear
That history has no side.

After the blood of The Great War
peace was the new buzz-word.
The intelligencia all agreed
that violence was quite absurd.
So determined to avoid war
that they appeased an evil guy
who showed in no uncertain terms
that history has no side.

Others thought that they could bring
a fulfillment to all mankind,
that Socialism was history's goal,
That we'd reached the end of the line.
Time, it made a fool of them
and a hundred million died,
their gulags made it all quite clear
that history has no side.

Just recently it was proclaimed
that history would be made,
a woman as the president,
that's what they all did say.
People even broke the law
to grease the skids for her ride,
even cheating she got thumped,
‘cause history has no side.

Our great love of narratives
sets us up for this blunder.
Reality is us lurching crazily,
trying not to be torn asunder.
In truth we walk a tight-rope,
untrained, terror in our eyes.
Most don't ever cross the span
since history has no side.

Saturday, October 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: history,philosophical ,political,rhyme,society,truth
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