Hold Fast Your Dreams Poem by Louise Driscoll

Hold Fast Your Dreams

Rating: 5.0

Hold fast your dreams!
Within your heart
Keep one still, secret spot
Where dreams may go,
And, sheltered so,
May thrive and grow
Where doubt and fear are not.
O keep a place apart,
Within your heart,
For little dreams to go!

Think still of lovely things that are not true.
Let wish and magic work at will in you.
Be sometimes blind to sorrow. Make believe!
Forget the calm that lies
In disillusioned eyes.
Though we all know that we must die,
Yes you and I
May walk like gods and be
Even now at home in immortality.

We see so many ugly things—
Deceits and wrongs and quarrelings;
We know, alast we know
How quickly fade
The color in the west,
The bloom upon the flower,
The bloom upon the breast
And youth's blind hour.
Yet keep within your heart
A place apart
Where little dreams may go,
May thrive and grow.
Hold fast—hold fast your dreams!

ya mone oo 10 July 2018

can you give me the theme of this poem

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ei ei phue 05 July 2018

A Nice Poem for me

1 1 Reply
Aye Aye Myint 08 July 2018

I want to get the paragraphing. Of this poem

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Chit ice 20 February 2019

I want to get pharaphrase of this poem

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Chit ice 20 February 2019

I want to get pharaphrase of this poem

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myo min hein 15 August 2018

l want to get the pharaphrase of this poem

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Shu Kalayar Kyaw 12 August 2018

I want to get the paraphrase of this poem.

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Thel Thel 23 July 2018

I want to get the pharaphrase of this poem

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