Hope Holding Tight... Poem by Abhijit Surve

Hope Holding Tight...

It takes everything you have to win every race,
To defeat the world which others dream to chase..
Every known person is not born to be a star,
Exceeding all excellence with no one at par..

Thriving to carve a name, bound to make history,
Battles ever fought shall end up in a victory..
Dream a clean life where wounds leave no traces,
Be a bastion of strength passing all weaknesses..

Leave one's soul shining in the sparkling sky,
Life means nothing more then just aiming high..
A blood raging red heart and ever craving desire,
If life ever means more you end up aiming higher..

The mysterious zeal that overshadows a child,
Binding principles prevent him from running wild..
All that he is taught is to learn and earn,
As the child grows old killing all his fun..

A slow killing poison then seals his fate,
Leaves his mind hanging in a volatile state..
The journey is so long there's no turning back,
Problems and worries start piling up in stack..

Echo's from within tear a distant heart apart,
Voices of expectations piercing like a dart..
Where does one find an answer to what others need,
How can one survive in a world full of greed..

Life is intricacy and it's simplicity a parody,
Rising alarming noises are withholding a melody..
One can't really stop the incursion of such might,
A storm kicks going just a hope is holding tight..

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