Hosanna Poem by Bob Gotti


Hosanna to our Lord and King, peace to many He shall bring,
A peace with God in our life, through our faith in Jesus Christ,
Many will be, by God, justified, by faith, in the One who died,
Christ, who died for all men, as in sin they stood condemned.

Hosanna to our Lord above, who fills men with unending love,
The Love of God poured on us, when in God we put our trust,
Trust in the work of our Lord, through who, the love is poured,
Down upon all believing hearts, a pure love that never departs.

Hosanna to our Lord of Hope, who helps us in our trials cope,
Through God’s endless Grace, we obtain through saving faith,
Hope extending beyond earth, to all who experience new birth,
Hope extended to each nation, to men who embrace salvation.

Hosanna to the One who came, to this earth that He may claim,
A peoples of His very Own, to gather about His Eternal Throne,
Saving them out of all their sin, when they put their faith in Him,
Not left here to stray and roam, given by God, an eternal home.

Hosanna to our Savior and God, who brought Hope to this sod,
The Love of God came for all, to save sinners from Adam’s fall,
Bringing peace to all at enmity, with God, by the way of Calvary,
When justified by God above, to grant us peace, hope and love.

(Copyright ©04/2009)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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