Housewife Reality Shows Poem by Luke Easter

Housewife Reality Shows

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, wouldn’t you know,
There’s an abundance of silliness, “The Housewife” reality shows,
Chaka Khan sang, “I’m Every Woman” & they changed the tune,
What did it take? It took a television camera and not a full moon.

In the 1950’s, Nat King Cole had a very entertaining variety show,
The majority population wouldn’t buy Westinghouse, they let it go,
When, “America” complained to the sponsor telling them, “hell no, ”
Because they understood you can’t make bread without any dough.

Now comes The Real Housewives of New York, Jersey, Beverly Hills,
Shop all day, drink wine at lunchtime and snack on prescription pills,
Make-up so thick, they look like stiffs in a morgue or circus clowns,
Prancing back & forth in luxury automobiles & the cheesiest gowns.

However, many times when these, “Housewives” open their mouth,
A most filthy tirade of hate-laden profanity like a mudslide flows out,
They are the shows teens and pre-teens love to watch and emulate,
Is it any wonder why these kids feel it’s ok to party & stay out late?

In the battle for tougher standards and higher education we loose,
Students don’t know the last four presidents but they know booze,
Just by a commercial, color of the can or bottle or from the smell,
And the closest store that sells alcohol to minors they readily tell.

Home! Little concern about school books, just where’s the remote,
Can’t answer a test question correctly, easily recite the latest joke,
Certainly this can’t be all, yeah that’s true however there is enough,
Question: Where are the parents while they are watching this stuff?

Necklines are way to low, her skirt way to short, this dress is right?
Forget not at the dropp of anything these, “ladies” are ready to fight,
They use the B-word more than pimps or groups that gangster rap,
When are the sponsors finally going to say, “enough of this crap.”

As they discuss sex outside the marriage like ordering a pizza pie,
Let’s see, extra cheese, mushrooms, onions, anchovies piled high,
Real Housewives spend time with their kids in the park, at the zoo,
And stay up late in the night helping them with their homework too.

At the mall they teach their children how to shop for the best deal,
This crap on television about getting the most expensive is not real,
And what these tv housewives spend on just a single bottle of wine,
A real mom for a week or more, her real family of five can finely dine.

Shows like this portray an injustice to, “real” housewives everywhere,
Very degrading, demeaning, insulting, it needs to be taken off the air,
The term, “housewife” has long been outdated as many of them work,
Even if the job is, “just being a mom” few have time to be dishing dirt.

Surprisingly enough again maybe not guess who is watching it too?
I love this adage, just a simple case of, “monkey see, monkey do, ”
No way is this how a real mother, parent, guardian, lives their lives,
Their titles should be changed to, ”Bogus, Unrealistic Housewives.”

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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