How Do You Explain Love - The Proposal Poem by Reginald Walker

How Do You Explain Love - The Proposal

How do you explain love or the feeling you get;
Every time you look into that special someone’s eyes?
What clarifying words do you use to explain it?
The feeling of being in love with somebody you longed for.

What are the words that will justly explain when they are chosen?
Reveal the words you use to describe the wonderful pleasures felt.
What emotional words you think need to be sweetly and gently spoken?
Meaningful words of love whispered as two bodies lie entangled together.

So, disclose how you explain the wonderful, satisfied feeling that you get,
The moment you have found someone to make love to without any regret.
How do you feel when you finally find someone with whom you perfectly fit?
How do you explain the sheer longing to be loved by them for the rest of your life?

It’s just; I do not know what words I want to use to explain what I need to say.
These mystical feelings of love have suddenly come over me; I can not explain it.
However, I do know that I want to completely love my woman every night and day.
It’s just; I really can not conceive the right words needed to explain my love for her.

So tell me; what words do you use to express your deep desire for your soul mate?
Explain why you intimately yearn to make love to them for the rest of your life.
I really do love my woman, and I promise you to her I will always remain true.
I just need your help discovering the right words to use to ask her to be my wife.

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