Humanity To An Order Of Existence Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Humanity To An Order Of Existence

Humanity To An Order Of Existence

My tongue isn't only for testing foods
My mouth isn't meant, for just eating
If they can't spell what my heart desires
Should I stitch strongly them for ever?
Or need to revolt, to free my own will.

A person might be killed for beliefs he holds
He might be murdered for religion he practices
An innocent might be hanged until death
For the crime that he has never done
Murder is legalised for cruel religious spirit.

Theory of evolution of life lost in black hole of religion
If Darwin is alive, might be rewarded with death sentence
The mentality of 21th century reversed back to stone age
Cannibalism reflected inside the mirror of human's heart
So is the cause, humanity hesitates to dwells in such a cruel heart.

How to relate humanity to an order of existence
Be careful! not to interfare other's rights
Through your religious commitments
Respect one another feelings and emotions
Let us live as passionate human beings.

I must have right to live the way I like
Indeed, I am a creator of my own world
Please love me for what I am
Reward me during my life span
That too in the earth, not in heaven.

Friday, March 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity
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