Hunger Pangs Poem by Upendra Majhi

Hunger Pangs

Poetry world remain replete by awards,
long live poets, my friends
Very few poets, good poets starved.
may be, knew hunger pangs.
Life is greatest theme of literature,
Living, livelihood is the other name.
life is not present,
where hunger is vehement
Who has written on hunger.
many poems are there on hunger.
War kills all
hunger pangs hit hard.
Hunger kills only poor.
So it is natural there will be
scant words on hunger.
More against war…
some poems are on hunger,
hungry and hungerpangs?
Economics dared write on hunger.
and got branded
As contraband.

Thursday, March 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Rajnish Manga 24 March 2017

Very thought provoking. The harshness of the words shows the poet's first hand experience with those in the throes of hunger. One can have intention but can't write with conviction if he or she doesn't come face to face with this kind of appalling and woeful situation. Your efforts are laudable. You have struck the right notes. आपके पास यदि अनुभूति है तो आप उसे अपने लेखन के माध्यम से दुनिया के साथ शेयर करें. 'हम विषपायी जनम के' में पं. बालकृष्ण शर्मा नवीन ने 'जूठे पत्ते' नामक एक क्रांतिकारी कविता लिखी है लेकिन उसमे उन्होंने दूसरे कवियों पर इल्ज़ाम नहीं लगाया बल्कि उनकी दयनीय तथा वीभत्स हालात का चित्र संवेदनहीन समाज के सामने पेश किया है. कृपया उस कविता को अवश्य पढ़ें. life is not present.... where hunger is vehement War kills all, rich and poor.... Hunger kills only poor. How many poems are on hunger.... hungry and hungerpangs?

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