Hurts Real Bad Poem by Maria Sharon Moemise

Hurts Real Bad

Rating: 2.5

Hurts real bad
Sharon Maria Moemise

When your eyes followed her every move
I held my head high, pretend I don't see
I kiss your sweet lips, but you're very aloof
I'm numb, yet in pain. You have to agree
That it's so sad
You hurt me real bad

As I live and breathe I don't know why
I beg you, never nag you, yet I let you
trample my soul, obliterate my life and I cry
I cry for myself, cos one thing is true
All this is so sad
And it hurts real bad

Where you bruised my face, it's easy to hide
But my broken soul just ain't so simple
I was thrown from up high to the wrong side
'Twas my soul you chose to trample
That's really so sad
Cos it hurts real bad.

I never fought back, never attempt to defend
'cos I know that all I did was to no avail
Therefore, I give up, I completely relent
And I finally accept that it is you that failed
And that it's really so sad
That you hurt us so bad

Saturday, April 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: pain
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